Orak Units

The Temple Guard leads the participants in parades all around the region. The Unit also guards the doors and checks dues cards at the Ceremonials and assist at all the Shriners Auditorium events.

We March so Children Can Walk! The Arab Patrol is Orak Shrine’s proud marching unit! We are the oldest unit at Orak; our Patrol was founded in 1910. The Arab Patrol participates in many local parades throughout the year.

The Orak Shrine Legion of Honor, Shriners International is organized for the purpose of Fostering a spirit of Patriotism and a Love of Country and Flag, Perpetuating the memory of our Comrades in Arms who died in the service of their country

The Ritual Cast is a service and social unit that perform the Ritualistic Section of the Ceremonials. They meet 7 out of 12 months of the year for business meetings and practices. They also attend circus’s,and other social functions.

The Orak Motor Patrol is the Motorized Parade Unit of Orak Shriners. The Motor Patrol includes the motorcycle drill team and Motorcycle parade team, mini cars, flying carpets, classic cars, mini choppers, mini semis and pretty much anything else

The Oriental Band aims to promote Orak Shrine, support our hospitals, and entertain the crowds during parades and have great fun and fellowship time with our members and the community. We play instruments that sound very fun

Pipes and Drums of ORAK has been a featured and favorite group in the Northwest Indiana and Chicago South Suburbs for several years now. The band performs in the traditional, Scottish Highland uniforms. Kilts worn are the red and black

The clowns need little explanation as to their function. This group keeps busy throughout the year performing for many groups and organizations. Their biggest joy comes from entertaining the children during the circus.

Our Shriner Transportation Units are a free pick-up and delivery service for your family to and from the Shriners Hospital for Children. We provide you with a very comfortable handicap-accessible van and help loading